Colin your social work is my social work, experience including the FSU element. As for myself? It’s rather nice, actually. Day-to-day work involves assessing people’s needs, strengths and wishes, working with individuals and families directly to help them make changes and solve problems, organising support, making recommendations or referrals to other services and agencies, and keeping detailed records. I think it is sad to ‘belittle’ what is a very personal and real journey. Registering as a social worker in the UK. If i should collaspe tomorrow because of work related stress and go off work sick then the next worry I will have, is that my sickness will be monitored, my case load would be left until i return unless some reach crisis point and maybe they would be picked up by colleagues or duty who knows. It’s been a long time coming; as by the end of this year, I will have been a frontline Child Protection Worker for 20 years, having practised in both Australia and the UK. Quite possibly the author didn’t have the level of psychological resilience & emotional intelligence required. We don’t’ want to be providing what we know are poor home care services because the council will only pay minimum wage and commissions on cost rather than quality. Trying to survive on 18K by oneself is extremely difficult in the S.E. You might also be interested in. University “degrees” have become a TOTAL CON, and corrupt systems and greedy managers too often abet these cons! I’m sure your post want meant to be insulting but please take a moment to think about the lowly, ‘unqualified worker’ before your next post! Unfortunately more often than not, due to overall demands/pressures on front line practitioners, managers (1st/2nd and 3rd tier); the reality is that adherence to framework is thwarted. This authority needs serious help. St Jude's Church, Dulwich Road, Herne Hill, London SE24 0PB, a company registered in England and Wales no. In the late 60s, I s in a very good Childrens department with a university Social Administration qualification, which included an extended placement with a Founder of Family Service Units, ( Pacifist Service at the start) training in the nuts and bolts. I am so sad that we see to many leaving the best profession ever . It’s just time to move on. Hoarding and self-neglect – what social workers need to know, Munby backs ‘innovative’ approach to settling care cases, Practice Manager – Assessment & Intervention, Pandemic fuelling placement shortage in all children’s care settings, directors’ report warns, ‘Unacceptable’ do not resuscitate orders made in first Covid wave and some may still be in place, says CQC, Ofsted head praises quality of direct work under Covid but warns of pressures to come as referrals rise, ‘Our profession must be much more inclusive to disabled people’: a letter to the chief social workers. However, my experiences within the profession have left me wondering why I even bothered in the first place. That they were both brave enough to raise important issues about the reality of practice (not the sanitised version of events we often see) under their own names speaks volumes for the strength of their characters. You don't ever want to go near a Social Worker. Social work as a profession has been reduced to an administration process, front line management rarely is able to support workers and many are running scared for their jobs becoming nothing less than performance monitors . It seems the same problems still exist. …..and incidentally, I also am leaving with a massive student debt! MA Education is part of the Mark Allen Group. Gizza job; as my pay is10k less than you (assuming you base your assumption on the 30k average pay for qualified social work. I returned to the LA in Jan 16 after 13 years with an IFA,. Social workers work with a number of people at any one time. Except for a possible temporary placement in an emergency situation, you don't have to go into a nursing home if you don't want to as long as you are able to care for yourself or arrange for your own care. I can imagine the LA chased you for fee’s but hopefully you managed ok. Onwards and upwards. Dipping my toe in the water, I’ve taken up just such a role recently, and let me tell you, after years of weighty, serious social work, it’s a breath of fresh air. Each state has its own individual licensing exam and process. Good social workers are made. Two years is just not long enough for both and lets face it how many generic jobs are there? Obviously, we also had to work within two placements and complete two portfolios at the same time in order to gain our social work status. Many want … I found this report insightful and informative particularly for those who are involved in the planning and integration of NQSW in their Departments. What worries me is the number of people coming through with no experience, or experience only gained in non statutory placements. Quitting anything after four months is scarcely giving it a decent chance in the first place. We all like to think that we do what we can to make the world a better place and help people in need, but some people choose to make a career of it. The whole function of social work needs a major review and restructure . Even places like the Channel Islands have seperate departments afaik. SWs were employed by the Borough, the Borough was their client. Hard working and skilled overseas workers have already filled many of the UK jobs to which the British worker can no longer apply the required skill-set. So ultimately – after the decision to change career, 18 months of training and two temporary posts I was a social worker for just four months. Of time doing most of the actual social work the social worker has no time to do! Clients expect me to be there twenty-four hours a day and get upset if they get a recorded message instead. Always there’s that guilty feeling that time spent with a client will have to be made up later in the office. I believe that I was coping with my cases (despite the obstacles placed in front of me) but as it seemed like there would be no end to the additions to my caseload it would not be long before I couldn’t. When I raised my concerns with my manager, the ASYE mentor and senior management their response was “you’ve been allocated the cases and they are staying with you” and “the ASYE is only guidelines, recommendations; we can ignore them!”. In another words I am saying take the social work function off local authorities and disband it to select units with social enterprise solutions , charities and dedicated service teams eg Special Needs, Disability , etc. We are losing the experienced, so where do nqs learn good practice and ways to cope ?The meeting was 1 and half hours a week.We had time to get things right first time. Social workers are in it for the outcome, not the income. I completely refute your claim. I don’t have a headache, don’t feel the need for a drink, and I don’t feel guilty about what I’ve failed to accomplish today. Gavin DeGraw's official music video for 'I Don't Want To Be'. Becoming a social worker in the UK requires a recognised qualification and registration with a UK social work regulator. I'm exhausted and just don't want to be with people anymore. However it highlights the considerable examples of poor management not following agreed guidelines placing caseloads on workers without consent or agreement. those that care the most end up having to walk away to save themselves. Finally in my early career we reminded committed to actually enabling people to change before draconian intervention to remove children – forever. I was clearly a worm in the bud, another 4 years was clearly enough . As we were coming to the end of our training and university places, myself (and the others in our authority’s consortium) were starting to get concerned that the other students from other consortiums were talking about the places their authorities had already arranged for them to go into as newly qualifieds; our authority was the only one that hadn’t made ANY arrangements for us after qualification. By all accounts it is more difficult to qualify as a social worker nowadays than in the past and even then you are still not a social worker until you have completed an ASYE and you are not treated as such. My experience couldn’t have been different, and my ASYE has been supported. But earning a social work degree may open doors to careers that many in the field don’t initially consider. I’m so relieved to have left. I wanted to be a social worker because I felt I could best support people this way, this turned out not to be even remotely the case as I just felt like a civil servant filling out forms all day. I left my final placement in May, have been working for another big charity since June and have gone for a promotion into a bigger role which I know I can use my skill set and support the individuals with our service. I feel for these young professionals because, unlike me, they may feel trapped in their roles with no other avenue of escape. In short stop complaining and do something about it. As someone who is over half a century old, I did not go into social work expecting it to be all sweetness and light, nor did I ever think I’d save the world (or even a fraction of it). By the time I left in August 2014, I had 18 cases and had just been told that I was to get two more before the end of the month. To gain a license as a LCSW, you'll have to hold a graduate degree in social work and have the number of clinical hours mandated by your state's licensing authority. they work while doctors sit behind computers. I don’t want a stressful job Let’s face it, in the modern era, many jobs can be stressful, especially in the United States. We are all part of the circle of care.We are strong together. Social work is too vague of a term to even try and see your interests and career aspirations. Workers need to work their hours that they are paid for and no more. Social Work - What happens if you don't get a statutory placement? The role changed from generic, with social workers allocated cases that covered all areas, to it becoming split into assessment, review, rehab, teams. Suffice to say it’s a role which can be challenging and rewarding in equal measure. But what if you want to move away from the profession entirely? I relate to the pressure, I don’t thinks it’s far to expect people to work and study as the job is just to stressful to manage on your own. Figuring out if and when you should leave will have an impact on your career and your family. You normalise unrealistic expectations and criticise and demean those who do not! That experience made me realize why working in a cubicle environment drains your life. Anyway Social Service became a real problem in that they could not stop themselves interfering until I had to take some failrly strong measures to keep them off my back. Unfortunately, as they didn’t hire any qualified social workers to replace them their cases were then being given to anyone; regardless of experience or ability. If you succeed in getting a new Social Worker this will be another change for your child which is not necessarily good for them. Spent last few years at University to get my degree, doing all the ‘academic and theory’ stuff (essential now to become a s worker), and 200 days ‘on the job’ placement working full time for free gaining ‘experience’ in my opinion much of which I already had. Here’s my dilemma. We were meant to qualify as generic social workers at the end of the course and this required us to have both an adult and a children’s placement. I have worked for them for 10 years and only qualified last year on a work sponsored degree (my third degree). I think this change is deskilling people and takes away from building a working relationship with clients. Thanks for sharing and writing so clearly. All from the not-so-well-performing local Comp. The best social work and social care jobs, The online resource for social care professionals, © MA Education 2020. Wowsie, my fecal (sic) reply would be “many of my social work colleagues” . Until the profession stands up for its self and say enough is enough the status quo will remain. the profession has changed in every area, especially the people who come into social work. At this point you don't really need to close anyone out. But this didn’t happen. Because like I say, she’s been absolutely brilliant for us, honestly I mean it (white, UK, male patient, age group forty-six to fifty-five years). Only 15 years ago you would have seen many more people with my type of pre-social work experience: then we trained with Probation Officers and the Diploma was just two years. This gave me a good grounding in the processes and sheer scale of work and commitment that social workers were dealing with on a daily basis. When you think of what social workers complain about – too much paperwork and not enough time with clients – support work is the perfect solution. dare I say it but today it’s not social work just social engineering on a conveyor belt of administration tick boxes designed to ensure that every child is protected and no child is protected, that children are denied often the right to growing up with birth parents. My social worker says I have to move, but I don’t want to Moving homes is a big event that can have a major impact on your life. Social worker positions typically require at least a bachelor’s degree, if not a master’s. A n older worker, the previous blind support worker, sat weeping at her desk,, unable to cope with teenage delinquent boys. However, if you do not have a college degree—but have at least a high-school diploma or GED—you can still work in the field of social work, although you will likely have a job title of “case aide” or “social services assistant.” I met and worked with some wonderful, very dedicated social workers that genuinely cared about the people they dealt with. ladder from humble computer technician to the exalted heights of Senior Network Manager and Developmental Officer. This was also my second career. I can’t understand how social workers accept the social reality created by state. Redmuppet. However it’s possible that Matt now has a role in the voluntary sector, or privately, and although he’s supporting clients to meet their needs, it’s probably a completely different role to yours – cases/visits/completing assessments/desk based with huge amounts electronic paperwork?? You can’t legitimately call yourself a social worker based only on a qualification. You can tell that there is something really broken when the profession is being subject to imprisonment as a method to mange practise errors . . 5. Not enough is being done to recruit children's social workers in England, it has been claimed, as it emerged one in six jobs remain vacant. Gave up far too easily. Policy makers and LA’s should hang their heads in shame! To what extent can you meet these needs 3. I left. Nothing wrong with the saying ‘if you can’t stand the heat get out of the kitchen’, but if that’s what applies to you, own it. Work with the situation. Lv 7. We don’t want to have to look further and further away for poorer and cheaper residential and nursing care. I really am far happier now, I feel sorry for the poor buggers who are working flat out in LA departments with hardly any resources and in the knowledge that mistakes are not accepted. Prior to this I’d had a (fairly) successful career working in schools, working my way up the I.T. 4 months is all you gave it, 16 weeks, 80 working days. Social workers in my experience, are not properly trained to work with kids on the Autistic spectrum. It is one that I would not want to be a part of. I also had to ‘get honest with myself’ and I don’t want to be a Social Worker anymore either, and I haven’t enjoyed it for a while, however the financial commitments stopped me, however I realise there will never be a right time to ‘take the plunge’, and it’s time for a change. It is so sad to read this story, but this rings so close to home for me as a NQSW. looking back now I don’t class her as a social worker, I class her as a friend to be honest with you . But if you DO have to deal with them, because a court has ordered it, for example, read this advice. How can you stand up for your clients if you can’t even stand up for yourselves? Leaving that frantic pace behind has been no hardship. I personally think that anyone contemplating social work needs to start at a lower level and get to know what the nitty gritty is. Just a simple risk assessment which every time said no we can’t let this turn into a Baby P. “REMOVE”. ….she says she’s a child protection social worker, however maybe she is a practice educator too which means she’s a tutor in practice . If, after talking to you about the problems you and your family are experiencing, the Social Worker decides that your child may be a “child in need”, they will carry out an assessment. Carolyne Willow, who became a social worker at the age of 22. So experienced social workers are leaving also as ye recording system just adds to the difficulties. The job became way too taxing and stressful, with too much admin, report writing, competing demands and long hours, along with too little client contact and managerial support. The difference is they will go hungry if they chuck the towel in. Soon after I left, a totally inexperienced senior in this field sent a totally untrained young worker to deal with a very difficult situation, from which she fled, leaving them to die in mysterious circumstances. Working a social worker requires registration with a UK social work regulator. Just a simple risk assessment which every time said no we can’t let this turn into a Baby P. “REMOVE”. YOU seem to have missed them. This is often referred to as a caseload. But in support work I think I’ve found an answer. As a consequence there is a staffing shortage, which in some parts of London and the south-east of England, is said to have reached crisis proportions. Instead, I’ve felt my appetite for frontline practice wane, until one day it finally happened. We want to be doing the creative support planning with personal budgets but then, it’s hard to be creative with 5 hours care when someone needs to use that for support with washing and dressing for the whole week. Feel free to find positives but make sure they are real. The fact that my social workers were committed to my well-being and pushed me to my full potentials demonstrated their concern for me as well as their ethical commitment. I am well paid in my role – a marginal difference between my pay and a social workers. In order to work as a social worker in the UK you should have a masters degree in social work. I worked in such a position a while back and the organization who provided the support service I worked for had been chosen by the local council as it was the lowest bidder. I understand what you’re saying and it’s my guess that you are a qualified support worker within a LA team, which in my experience of working in an adults social care team means that your role is as much a demanding and challenging role as the social workers. I had a lovely job working at a charity when I enrolled into the social work degree. If social workers believe something is "filthy," "greedy," or "capitalistic," chances are they aren't going to go for it - it's blatantly offensive to the social work creed - and that's probably a good reason why more social workers don't talk about money. . I think article author and Elliott simply not cut out for social work. They make judgements based on things they don’t understand e.g. Social worker without car? I don't want to discourage you but I've been working for awhile and would not be able to afford rent here on my own. Social work is a profession concerned with helping individuals, families, groups and communities to enhance their individual and collective well-being. I chose not to be a social worker and am getting a bit bored of being referred to as an unqualified social worker – this is not the case. I’ve had good times and many challanges but no more for me. In another words I am saying take the social work function off local authorities and disband it to select units with social enterprise solutions , charities and dedicated service teams eg Special Needs, Disability , etc. But I still wanted to work with clients – whether they had learning disabilities, mental health problems, drug addictions or had reached the far end of their lives and were battling dementia and brittle bones. A good 4 years, with lots of in-service training in the nuts and bolts. Maybe it’s time for CC to do some FoI research into employers’ qualities…. I believe our profession can change the world on so many levels: for each person we have the opportunity to serve, for entire family systems, and the communities where we live. Level required too high> staff leave> increased workload on remaining staff> level required increases> more staff leave…. Social workers see the best and worst of human nature and witness extraordinary acts of kindness and terrible cases of neglect. Sadley this is not a new story. My placements where farcical and had no toga siting or plan to them, the coursework related to the degree was far to much for a person to manage in the type of environment that you are working in and I wasn’t even sure that I would have a job at the end of it(the authority I worked for put people on six month contracts that rolled onto another six months if you hit performance targets, and they wonder why agency workers are in large numbers within teams and services!?!). While social work salaries hover around the £30k mark, you can halve that for many unqualified positions, which does leave a sizeable dent in the household income. The endless paperwork wore me down, and a final irritation drove me to resign. The choice I witnessed in the last three years of my career was that one strike your out , baby up for adoption , no assessment to change. Elliott – charity work is quite different from social work, and not the best place to assess a persons ability to do social work. whilst i have some sympathy with the author, i don’t feel any sense of ‘rolling up his sleeves and getting stuck in’, in anything he has written, and of course you have to do just that in all walks of working life…and four months isn’t anywhere near long enough to get a feel for the job, let alone to make any sort of meaningful contribution. With respect Julie….and if I can wobble that chip on your shoulder, what the writer is saying is that the advantages of support work totally outweighs the stress and financial remuneration of ‘front line social work’… I agree and who wouldn’t! I agree entirely with Sharon; a social worker who is ace at report writing and assessments is not necessarily going to be tuned into the people with whom we work, this ‘knowledge of the way in which families and individuals ‘work’, comes with experience on the job over a longer period of time than the 200 days of placement. Social workers also need to ensure they don't impose their own views and values on the people with whom they work. A “professional” training course had on its staff no one with any experience of field work, the head of another course told me “We are not a vocational course, we teach the theory”. Me- I am also keeping my options open; maybe a personal carer, real estate agent, or beauty therapist – the world’s my oyster, one things for sure, I won’t miss Social Work, as it’s become something it was never meant to be!!!! In fact, the transition from frontline social work practice has been surprisingly easy – although it does throw into light questions about your role, purpose, and even your identity. Some functions of safeguarding would sit better with the police in special teams. The best approach to dealing with a Social Worker if you happen have to is this - DON'T. Until Social Workers stand up for their profession things will remain the same. However I’ve built up to that through experience. I have also noticed this job is also becoming increasingly dangerous and volatile, & there is too little support and safety for Social Workers. How long will I last in this current climate is anyone guess, all I know is that too many social workers are getting burnt out, by working long hours and taking their jobs, worries and concerns home to their partners / families. …but ‘Respect’ to all support workers – qualified or unqualified – they should be recognised and valued more, like all social care staff. I think this guy is using a variety of excuses for his unsuitability for social work. It soon became clear that the gradual intake of proudly qualified workers had lots of psychological understanding, but no training in the everyday tasks, like juvenile court work, guardian ad litem reports, mental health sections, or just face to face relationships with clients. Good luck - don't e browbeaten. It has to be acknowledged that This framework brings with it additional demands which may require additional resources for its application. I chose Social Work because I have always believed in fighting for human rights. That’s me, right now. I would suggest that with its shortened/intensive training it is even more crucial that the management of the ‘step-up’ course (with the relevant authorities) get it right. You might also be interested in. Damned shame, being a social worker always gave me enormous satisfaction, even when carrying high caseloads or working after hours, I always felt it came with the job, rightly or wrongly, it worked for me, until it no longer did. Social work is a profession with a protected job title, which means that you cannot call yourself a social worker unless you are qualified and registered. I suspect we will have a better quality of life and can't be doing any worse than we are now. I qualified in1986 appointed as a generic social worker initially with a case load of 18 cases. Now generic, which various, ex specialists struggling with generic caseloads. It was the challenge of knowing what to do next that I struggled with. Find out more. 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